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Mythological Liar

If the Illuminati doesn't exist, how else could you explain the worst pieces of shit flung across airwaves while positive and conscious gems are kept off the mainstream and commercial radar? Is it pure coincidence that a certain type of culture is being perpetuated while college education is raising the price, student loans are becoming just as ludicrous as home mortgages, high school education is being dumbed down by standardized testing instead of letting underpaid overworked teachers do after they just overcame all of the previous do!?

If the Illuminati doesn't exist why does it feel like we're living a reality show based off George Orwell's 1984? Everyday the tv says we're at war with so and so and we're winning or losing. Government is keeping tabs in us with our phones, didn't have to force us with that one... - ___ -" And the people who attack us or we invade look like their more concern with running water or if their even going to eat that day, let alone killing people an ocean away. And every time I watch world events unfold I can't help but feel this "reality" show is somewhat scripted.

If the Illuminati isn't real why put fluoride in the drinking water? Why put a patent on an inexpensive easily accessable cure for cancer without all of the negative side effects as chemo but so much more effective, so no one can use it since there would be no way to make a profit off it? Why are all of our heroes killed while we watch their funerals on tv?

I think it's easier to believe in the Illuminati. Because if they don't exist, if there really isn't an organization pulling strings and building a prisoner for you and me to live in, then we're just sitting idol while mistakes continue to stack on top of each other as we let incompetent people with a sense of entitlement run the country with fat paychecks and the best health care while the rest of us are hoping we don't get sick so we can go to work so we can keep the lights on while we eat another value menu dinner.


Cats and dogs.

At least that’s what they used to say was falling out of the sky when it rained. For some reason I didn’t use that particular expression over the past week or so.

Like most people in Colorado the amount of rain and the short duration in which it fell totally amazed me.

My house escaped with a little flooding in the basement and I am lucky to be able to take care of it without much stress. Literally seven miles away is the town of Lyons where I used to take my kid to school. To the south about 17 miles away is Boulder and to the east is Weld County. All of these areas have tremendous loss and damage.

My thoughts and best wishes go out to all who have loss, whether property, possessions and especially those who have lost family members and pets/animals.

It is truly heart-breaking.

Two things have jumped out at me in watching the coverage.

Firstly, the oil and gas (frackers) companies are downplaying the amount of possible ecological devastation that has been caused by the destruction of the fracking containers that hold so many toxic chemicals. I saw a representative on a news channel saying everything is fine and no need to worry. Of course, complete bullshit.

Secondly, the evil insurance companies are complete bastards. Most people are not allowed to have flood coverage if they do or don’t live in a flood zone.

In 2012 Congress passed  flood insurance reform which raised rates to reflect more of a truer risk. Also, the contents of your home are not guaranteed to be covered.

It is estimated that in the three hardest hit counties in Colorado among residential single family homes, that people who have flood insurance may only be in the single digits (%age).

Why is it that in hindsight when a disaster happens we all say ‘this should’ve been done’ or ‘that wouldn’t have happened if’? 

I am sick and tired of seeing regular normal people suffering because of the lack of infrastructure and preventative systems that are not in place or haven’t been updated because of lack of funds.

OK so this was a freak natural disaster. Caused by what???

When two years of rain drops in a 24-48 hour period we have to ask the tougher questions and keep asking them until we get an honest answer.




I am like Hestia, 

Goddess of Hearth and Home, 

Goddess of Fire. 

She held inside me the desire

To be a part of something

Burning in my fingertips, 

Aching for a place

To call my own space, 

To call my home. 

I was used to being alone

Under the sunny days

Of staying inside, 

Playing keep-away from

The dry heat. 

Hestia is one of three

Virgin goddesses 

With ample strength. 

It’s only fitting that now

I attend a women’s college,

Am a perfectionist Virgo,

Am called Seraphine, 

A growing fire

Not yet reached its peak. 

I was never as much 

Of a brain child like Athena, 

Or a huntress like Artemis, 

Even after reading 

Percy Jackson and 

Artemis Fowl.

I never fit the mold

For Olympus. 

I was too homely, 

The girl next door 

Sort of poor attention

Spanning from panning

For spare change in 

Marketplaces to 

Burning matches

In closed spaces.

I liked watching 

Flames lick the air triumphantly.

It was my job to keep

It burning, 

Like the torch at 

The Olympic games

And the names of 

Ancient Greek gods

In our memories. 

Now we don’t say

“Oh my Gods!” 

We settle with monotheism

And consider creation

To be formed from 


Rather than


It is my job to keep 

It burning. 

When the turning of tables

Is complete, 

I’m yearning to be

A vestal virgin, 

A strong, independent woman,

Keeping the fire alive

Because it was a pleasure

To burn. 

Goddess of Hearth and Home, 

Goddess of fire, 

I was burning with desire

To be more than 

The Girl in the Fireplace, 

The girl next door. 

I have far more in store

For the world, 

Like Prometheus,

Setting the world aflame. 

I am like Hestia. 


-Seraphine The Poet

September 19, 2013

Civil War

Growing up in public education most of us have been subjected to more myths than we could ever possibly count. From Columbus “discovering” “america” , to the sanctity of the founding fathers, through countless justifications for pointless imperialist wars, to the largest myth of the all, freedom. While I do not mean to down play the importance of the actions of people such as Christopher columbus or George Washington or Thomas Jefferson, what I am opposed to, is treating the people as if they are without flaws, and canonizing their existence without any discussion how far we have moved from that point in a few hundred years. Which should be immediately be followed by a discussion of how far we have left to go. I love this country, almost as much as I love colorado and the freedom and endless inspiration that it has provided me. And it is for this reason that I am so opposed to the mythology that has be force fed to generations, and the perpetual cycle of pain that it continues to cause.  


Always a fairly obstinate and rebellious as a child, I developed a fairly unhealthy, yet at times completely justified fear of authority and particularly police. Having seen my fair share of handcuffs, court rooms, and supervised bathroom visits, I understood fairly early the cost of our so called freedom. Housing a prison population larger than any other country in the world the myth of freedom has been eroded year after year by very real wars with abstract titles against the people of this country, in an effort to protect us from ourselves. Having lost track of the number of my friends who were subjected to draconian laws that took a moderately harmful behavior and compounded it with legal consequences that far exceeded the nature of their actions, on more than one occasion it was legal trouble that was the stepping stone to harder substances, because  by some horrible twist of fate, the least toxic sticks around the longest (Not to mention to being made internally, see anadamide ). Speeding $51 billion dollars a year on a civil war that tears families apart and treats a health issue as a something that could ever be solved with putting people in cages, the “war on drugs” has turned the noble concept of freedom into a myth for millions and millions and millions and millions of people. While it goes without saying that drug abuse is a horrible reality of this world, to punish someone who is only harming themselves as harshly if not more harshly than rapists, thieves and murders, is nothing short of criminal. 

-Joshua Genius 

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