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Kool Aid Kid

Home is a fire that feathers open windows with clean breaks.

And sometimes stale air makes my dreams nervous.

But yesterday it didn’t.

Yesterday I dreamt that I was a rosemary toddler.

Yesterday my skin was water color magnificent.


I had construction paper hair.


I finally had a once upon a time for a lollipop tongue, and impressed myself often with my ability

to whistle row-row-row-your-boat

gently down the stream.

When I finally awoke,

I gathered all of the morning wood

I could muster

and built

the most beautifulest



A False Start

Epic's Enter the Matrix consist of telling you about my dreams. The cinematography of my subconscious and reacting part, if not all, of it in the "real" world. The final part is telling you how it went. How it affected me or those around me. This has proven very difficult mostly to the fact my dreams don't stay as soon as I wake. I feel them slip between the cracks of my grey matter as my eyes focus on my ceiling fan. My fingers recognize the sensation of bedsheets, and finally only one dream really sticks. I'm with my most recent of exes. We're still together. Out and about somewhere as she starts to blantly for flirt with another man infront of me. Like a coaching a child not to stick forks in outlets I babysit through the rest of the dream in this manner as I try to cock block these men from my girlfriend/fiancé/wife, whatever she is at the time of filming. This is a rerun I've watched more than I've cared to for quite sometime. How do I go about turning this into my new column? Involving a women I don't even care to hear about let alone speak to. How can I apply this dream to me in the world of the awake? How do I get this show cancelled? I really wanted to start Epic's Enter the Matrix weeks ago. But it seems my excuses have overshadowed my execution. Forgive me for this false start. I'm still trying to remember the stories I want to share. I'm still trying to get some of these shows off air. I don't care to paint with these feelings. I'm still adjusting to a life where heart broken feels like a lost art.


The Value of the Dollar

Today I realized something. Something I wish everyone came to realize at some point in their life. I’ve seen cash tossed around like pacifiers; soothing babies who cry of needing more. So we give them more. More and more until their expectations are too large for us to supply. I’ve worked in a few corporations, and the one thing I’ve gathered is money is nothing more than security blanket. When you were one or two, did you have a special blanket? The blanket you couldn’t part ways with because it protected you through sleepless nights and endless fears of monsters in your closet? The almighty dollar comforts those who are too insecure to find strength within them. A majority of today’s problems are hushed with cash. They quietly throw bodies under a rug until someone trips and stumbles upon the bigger issue. Once the bigger issue is revealed, money no longer conceals the truth. Self worth is now defined in a materialistic manner, and success is not complete without a bank balance to match. We’ve become so used to spending, we have forgotten the value in it all. So I beg to ask the question; how valuable is the dollar?


April 19, 2014

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