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‘What’s it all about…Selfie?’

There has been a massive amount of people posting pictures of themselves in various places, doing different things, posing with different people, and all kinds of ‘stuff’.

Now, I don’t think it has a nefarious or malignant intent but I do think that it has an egotistical twist with a sprinkle of self-aggrandizement.

I do realize that it is just a small microcosm of a bigger meme which has spread ( with the explosion of smartphone users) through  every strata of the social culture.

All kinds of people from all walks are tweeting and ‘doing selfies’. Again, I don’t have a particular problem with it as long as it stays innocuous.


 On to some more pertinent detritus.

‘Big Cable’ is squeezing the FCC’s groonies ( ball sack to you Yanks) in order to monopolize the internet and basically make it almost impossible but for the lucky few (shock there, huh?) who can afford it to have decent internet connections.

They are proposing a system where if you pay more you can have access to faster, cleaner connections somewhat like an internet highway/toll road.

 If you have the where-with-all to do so, good luck. But for the other peons tough titty.

I see this kind of crap everywhere, in every big business, every corporation in this so called free market.

Free market to Republicans means monopoly and only the oligarchs can play.

There is no such thing as a ‘free market’.

I will leave that for another weekly rant later on.

In finishing (praise Allah) I want to mention a couple of things.

Firstly, the ‘Whats it all about Selfie’ title is a play on the song ‘Whats it all about Alfie’ from the movie ‘Alfie’ with the incredible Michael Caine.

Lastly John Wayne was gay.

I will be ending my weekly muck-raking with something along those lines but you can bank on 

‘John Wayne was gay’




Look at the world

Feel the connections

There is leftover energy here lingering from the past, a natural mystic survives in your heart 

Like love sung a song that lasts.

Envision yourself as a collection of you, a beautiful mosaic out of mystery that appears like the hues of stained glass when the light is shining just right

Right through the vision that I thought that I knew. 

The colors cascade perplexing the glance--and I decided to give the happy life one last chance. 


A Loose Fit

I'm stuck between a debt and hard living, with little elbow room to swing.

Most days I just try to wing it, but I don't normally fly too far from my alarm or time clock, let alone any cuckoos nest, the only place my sanity gets to rest. The majority of the time I don't live here with all of you. I'm biding time until all of these thoughts come true.

I've been saving all of these reality checks in hopes of cashing them in one day to buy happiness, a dream, anything that resembles real life, not just work until you die and try to fit friends, family, and cell phone somewhere in the cracks.

We all have a calling. But we're so distracted by trying to keep that bills paid, staying up late with friends who lost their way, and trying to give ourselves any reason to repeat this cycle because we haven't figured out how to break it.

I wake up early so I can start my day before the sun. It’s a matter of survival at this point. I still turn a blind eye to ghost of girlfriends' past, survival there too.

I keep my voice down when practicing my passion, who knows how "normal" people would react to a man walking up and down their neighborhood yelling about god, booze, love, sex, and peace all within a single verse that comes off more as a harsh truth more than the words of a mad man.

I feel like I've written this before.

I feel like O'm thinking about her more and more. I feel like time is barbed wire slipping through my god inbox and I don't know what to do.

Stuck between responsibility and carpe diem ringtones.

My hands are too full to even notice the song.

My support group is small and the only dentist I have to clean my mouth of madness, but it’s not enough.

I need to find away to break these cuffs.

Let Gutter run our luck, see how far Epic can take us.

And if I have the faith to let either one of them take the wheel long enough to do more than swerve and tune stations.

I'm wasting away here.


May 24, 2014

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