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It's about feeling

Being in the moment




Letting go


The future

Who we are is not

A mystery

We are history


It tolls on your back

That's why you look at me like That

Undermine your opinions

Trust your feelings

Guarantees are false prophesies

And we all imitate it.

This state of mind is fading

But I'm waiting on the next moment to keep me interested enough to

pay attention to you

Less than stimulating

I'm done wasting my time on people like you

I've spoken----definitions of a fake language

Talk to yourself about it

because you need a frequent 'check-in'

to multiply your consciousnessor

sleeping may be comfortable

A flip in the mattress

Stretch your worth

The growth is like a rebirth

Take chances

Be who you thought you were meant to be

Turn up your damn life frequency

Love in the moment

Maximize on the proponents you have been intended

To flex in this world

Creativity helps me explore my head

My heart believes in relativity

Spacetime is irrelevant and gravity is a lie

Because falling in love is like inertia

When an object has no force

it is 'free-falling'

Quantum physics turn me on

Mind sex

Has got me wanting to

think all night with you

If you asked me to

I would.


For The Record

I've been a dreamer for as long as I can remember.

More so when I'm awake.

Only half way paying attention to the world around me.

Sometimes, I catch myself flinching in reaction to the cinema inside my head.


Such as catching a comet or raising a guitar above me like the sun over the horizon.


My body will move to follow through with these movements.

No matter how precious or fleeting the moment I'm living is, I'm still not 100% invested.

It could be a problem I have, or a solution. I haven't figured that part out yet.


My new columns are supposed to consist of dreams I've had and trying to manifest them in some way shape or form in THIS reality.


Whether its something I said, did, or a person I met, try to make it happen, and write about the experience.

I've had trouble recollecting dreams at all since starting this project.

Not the first time this has happened.


Once I really got a hold of lucid dreaming I stopped dreaming completely, or at least, able to remember them at all whatsoever, It was years before I could dream, or remember them after I awoke.


When I'm awake however, my mind is a constant cosmic variety show.

Different scenarios in which, I, the hero, am thrown into to extraordinary situation and overcoming it virtuously.


I will say, in my dream dreams, where I'm dead asleep and my subconscious is behind the wheel. I never die. I never slow down. I'm always wounded in battle or in someway immobilized by other forces, but I can never be beaten.


When I think about it, I've already been living that out in real life. I've taken everything life has handed me in stride. Not to say my life has been extremely difficult, but everyone's pain is relative. I've had my fair share of battles and I'm still smiling today.


Definitely stronger than who I was mentally and emotionally, possibly even spiritually, still playing catch up physically. But I'm making progress nonetheless.

There is one dream in particular that I'm aim to bring to this plain of existence. I was speaking. And it sounded like a song. It sounded like a poem. It sounded like normal conversation.

In these words I could understand every language at once. Babel Off.

The Perfect Language.

I hope to live that dream one day most of all.

Sorry for stalling on the new column, its proved a little harder than expected to record these dreams, but I'll share it soon.

We'll see what kind of dreams will bloom in this world.


The end of the USA.

The right wing activists on the Supreme Court ruled recently that essentially anyone can give (buy) to anyone politician regardless of where they are.

That means that a billionaire in Kentucky can buy a politician anywhere else in the country.

The repercussions of this are far reaching in its scope.

In a nutshell, our (the people) votes wont/don’t count.

We are of no value or consequence in this nation.

The people who call the shots are the moneyed elite (Koch brothers et al) who can now purchase ANY representative and of course have the biggest voice in the political process which means THEY decide what laws are passed or enacted.


This is a fascist Oligarchy

where tyranny and corruption are out in the open.

We the people have no vote.

We will have no representation.

We will have our voices drowned out by the evil rich .

This nation is on the fast-track to being a third world nation.

There is little or no middle class.

The working poor are increasing exponentially.

The infrastructure is abysmal.

A wide income gap.

High numbers of poor.

Sense of insecurity.

Cronyism and nepotism on a grand scale.

Control of mass media.

High unemployment and graduates being jobless.

These are just a few that we have as a nation right now!

This is the end of the USA

as we know it.

The rich and powerful are done and loathe the American people.

There are over a billion new consumers in China waiting to be raped and pillaged.

You think the moneyed evil rich care about us?


April 12, 2014


Spending months

assembling the perfect collection of sonic puzzle pieces

Much needed rest interrupted by countless ideas and sounds too good to let slip through my fingers

The building anticipation of every passing day at times is all consuming unable to focus on little else

some shows

just mean more


The moment when everything finally falls into place, time almost stands still

as the beat and melody

replace the urgency

that has engulfed life for what seems like an eternity.

-Joshua Genius

Let me feel your heart,

Feel the pulse and know the beat

That keeps you alive.


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