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Victim Complex


“Be the change you wish to see in the world.” -Gandhi


When I read the news, 

It’s always a list of casualties, 

A list of the victims of 

Our own destruction. 

We write horror stories

With our actions, 

Creating wars with our mouths, 

And we are all so concerned 

With nuclear weapons

That we forget about

The nuclear families, 

The nuclear language, 

Blowing out of proportion

The threats of the unknown. 

It doesn’t matter if 

We make enemies out of

Strangers or citizens, 

Or if we choose to make ourselves

Victims of their abuse, 

But there is always someone else

Who feels like the victim, 

Who feels we are the enemy. 

And aren’t we? 

Aren’t we taking away

Their safety for ours, 

Their sanity for ours, 

Their government? 

Or maybe it is more than that. 

Maybe their homes were washed 

Away by a hurricane,

It’s not the first time

That rain was spitting in

Their faces like the sharp tongue

Of a world that refuses to act, 

Or acknowledge the problem

Of losing loved ones in the flood

Of our ignorance. 

This poem is for the Philippines, 

It’s for Syria, 

For the nuclear bombing of Japan, 

For the diplomacy with Iran, 

And the unending wars in Israel. 

This is for those 

We made our enemies 

And those we failed to keep

As allies, friends. 

This isn’t world war 3, 

Nor is it the end of us, 

But where is humanity

When we start living

In our victim complex? 

This poem is for the World Trade Center, 

It’s for Benghazi, 

For the blood of soldiers, 

And the blood of civilians

Strapped with bombs. 

Maybe we are all strapped down

Ticking time bombs strapped 

Down on all of us. 

This poem is for saving lives, 

Saving time, 

Saving the memory 

In marble monuments 

And pages of textbooks. 

The losses preserved like 

Scars crosshatched on 

Our memories. 

We are slaves to our own

Downfalls- a history repeating, 

One dissolving 

Like icebergs in the Arctic. 

This poem is for the memories

And for the future. 

It’s for the survivors, 

It’s time for our victim complex

And our need for foreign enemies

And domestic enemies 

To fade away. 

It’s time for humanity 

To make a return. 

I don’t need a Superman

To save the planet. 

I need you, 

And you, 

And you, 

And I need me. 


-Seraphine the Poet


The cost of intelligence.

I am currently finding myself becoming more intolerant of stupidity and having much less patience with people who are not as intelligent as myself.

As most of the readers of this tend to be smart and educated I don’t have to worry too much about being understood.

Or being misunderstood.

When I have a discussion with people on subjects that I feel are important (politics, religion, etc) I try to pull in as many facts to support my argument. Unfortunately, when I talk, discuss or even argue these points, either they are NOT understood or the person that I am having the discussion with pulls in a totally unsubstantiated set of facts that  have been ‘told’ to them.

No research, no corroboration of actual facts just second hand nonsense based around lies and distortions of truths.

It seems as if there are two or more different sets of ‘facts’ that people who are not as intelligent or who are intellectually dishonest tend to use to validate their point of view. Most of the time people who do this are intellectually lazy and furthermore tend to be more Christian/ Conservative in my honest opinion.

After all, if they are being fed hate, lies, and propaganda by their own ‘leaders’ to further muddy the waters on what exactly is the ‘truth’, then you can see how difficult it is to try reason with anyone based on those things called ‘FACTS’. They have their ‘own’ to make them feel good about themselves and not see the truth which is just too scary for them to believe.

I honestly think that people with an IQ in the top 1-2 % have a harder time socially than people who are less informed on a daily basis simply because as truth seekers we ‘feel’ the need to keep the discussion intellectually honest.

I know I do.


Only Gray


Arriving in New York City a few hours after the Puerto Rican Day Parade, the whole place felt abuzz with energy. Having visited a few times as a kid, this was the first time that I was entering the city as an adult, and it just seemed different this time. Meeting my sister and I at the airport, my older brother then proceeded to lead the way through a maze for twists , turns, and subway tunnels, until we were finally outside standing on an elevated train platform watching as a procession of metal tubes filled with the familiar orange of the Mets uniform each passed us, too full to take on any new passengers. After waiting for twenty minutes of so, we crammed our way onto a partially full train, and hung on tightly as it rattled and jittered its way across those tracks. 


Watching in amazement as the buildings got taller and taller, I  hadn't said a word that whole train trip and then we turned a corner. Immediately visible against a sea of 50 shades of gray, the vibrant colors and intricate designs exploding against my retinas, my face was soon pressed to the finger print smudged glass as we snaked our way passed the largest monument to art and freedom of expression I had ever seen. Pointing with a smile , my brother leaned in and proclaimed in a voice loud enough to be heard over the metallic rumbles of the train, “ Thats 5 pointz.” Instantly it made sense why we had taken that particular route, and I was extremely thankful, and even further convinced that my older brother was the coolest person on the planet. 


Fascinated with street art since I was a kid, the first we came to New York, I was chastised by my parents for opening the sliding van door to snap a picture of a memorial piece at a stop light in a less than safe neighborhood. I still have that picture to this day. Having tried my hand at it a bit in high school, I soon quit as it quickly led to some unfortunate associations, and interactions, and also I never felt like I was good enough, comparatively (something that kept me from pursuing art for the majority of my life).  For so long most art felt so restricted to me, i didn't understand, i couldn't see, or feel, except for street art. Disgusted by the endless monotony of gray walls, devoid of any life, or color, or hope, even a small tag etched in a wall, felt to me like a sign of life, a cry for help, a message that, we will not be forgotten, no matter how many walls you put up. 

While many people still see graffiti as vandalism, in most situations, and within reason, even bad graffiti made me smile a bit. Not requiring admittance to be viewed, or wealthy patrons to support, in many ways graffiti is still one of the purest art forms, but not everyone feels this way, and thus there is an inherent conflict that persists. One for the latest casualties of this conflict is that glorious building that so captured my attention so many years ago, 5 Pointz. Having been scheduled to be demolished by the end of the year, to be turned into more luxury condos, the owners of the abandoned art mecca , decided to, for not apparent reason , other than spite, and bad taste, paint over the entire building, adding yet another gray behemoth to the New York City skyline.  Losing ourselves to the streaming masses, we mourn places like 5 pointz and the thousands of train cars that have their beautiful exteriors ripped away in exchange for a new life in grey mediocrity. 

-Joshua Genius


November 21, 2013


Beauty steps in places

           that ignite life like a catalyst

                    and you take me to that place


Set me on passionate fire to generate light

I needed a spark 

and I can feel the gentleness in your approach

Unfolding mystical mysteries of the heart

through a connection that I can't repel or ignore nor stop thinking of.

Consumed by thoughts of possibilities

I can't help but fantasize all of the ways I would place my tongue. 

Love, place me on your highest challenge

And meet me there

Your stare has me mesmerized and wanting you to be caught between my thighs

I try to ignore what you make me feel. 

But this is not by chance

I want to be your everything

Tug your heart strings

Make your life seem

Like this 

All means something

You don't have to make everything beautiful

Who you are inspires me to excel

The artist, poet, and dreamer all come out when I ponder of you.

How nice it is to just


the security of being fulfilled 

by this kind of thrill

the stars told me 

this is how you heal

love stands firm

and this feeling of falling 

has left me on my face

roots stay in position 


when the wind blows

conditions preventing true growth

the only commitment I am capable of making is

that I remain true to myself.

You make me want to believe in fate

because this is not by chance 

and you got me dancing with ideas 

fundamental like creation

never waiting in vain

a beautiful muse with purpose

bright soul burning 


your eternal light


Water Between my Fingers

Yeah, these feelings don't feel good at all, but they're a recoil of how hard we love. I was just telling my friend last night, we won't ever find people that love as hard as we do. Unless we end up with each other, but even then, I'm alive today because of my friends getting me through things like this and I can't cut that life line in exchange for anything. We're just different. It's hurts when we love, it's numb when we don't. It hurts when we're not loved enough, and it hurts when even that love goes. It's just sitting there in my stomach. Looking up at me from the inside expecting me to read its mind. But all I can do is feel it. So overwhelmed by how not Love this feels. Like the most disgusting kryptonite that can be exposed to me. I'm literally in bed head under the blanket. I don't even want to face the world with it just sitting there. Looking at me... I don't know what to do. At times like this I wait for someone to pick me up. I forget we can pick the day we want to have. The life we want to live. We are very blessed. I've always felt like the universe has a crush on me. That things won't always go my way, but will work themselves out in the end. People keep asking me about things. I just say she had work and change the subject. I don't even want to deal with it. Have that conversation. Ya know? At times I feel strong enough to love with a broken heart. Like its a car with no wheels but I can still race against the world. Then there's these times when I feel like I'm hung over on it. Like I drank so much love it made me sick. But I keep in mind what love, real love feels like. Like when my friends understand me. Like when my family ask me if I'm ok. Like when she was still here and said "I love you too"... That fucken feeling... That is what we need to scrape ourselves off the floor with. Love is real. It's so fucken real it makes everything else seem artificial. Don't even want to eat or drink. Don't want to feel or think. That ugly mother fucker looking at us. From the inside. Sitting at the bottom of our stomach... It's us. The real us. Just wanting to be loved. Love from us. To love us as hard as we love THEM. We don't even get that hard love, that we crave, that we give, to us! We're the fucken source and we still can't get it! Why is that? Why can't we give that love, that we give to everyone else to ourselves? I have a superficial relationship with myself. I feed me. Clean me. I get me laid. But I don't give it the things I would someone I love. I don't even know how to... Like it doesn't even make sense. I didn't even know loving me like I love them was a fucken option! And neither did they. Maybe that's why it's always melts away like water between my fingers. But my friends and family have always been the water that I needed.


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