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Fathers Day

My dad did his best to teach me about god. His best consisted of taking us to church on Sunday mornings with the services in spanish, which my brothers and I couldn't understand.

We would also pray together at night. Those were the early years.


These days my dad reads his bible daily. Gives to the church he was baptized in and lets me know when he goes to God for wisdom and comfort.

He says all of questions are eventually answered and to keep him out of my poetry if I wasn't going to talk about him correctly.

My dad is a good man.

More so now than he has ever been. He's taking the bruises this life's given him to heart and wanted a change made from the inside out.

I see it in his smile and the way he carries himself.

My dad taught me to throw a spiral with a football, how to swim, ride a bike, and to respect. I'm named after my dad.

And I like that.

I still have my own questions and answers when it comes to God.

I still write what I feel and think despite not knowing where to take God in my ink.

But the grace I've been granted by way of the dad I was given is more than amazing. I'm grateful.



This week it seems as if gun stories are again in the news spotlight.

People such as myself are lamenting about the unnecessary use of guns in our society and the fallout that ensues on both sides of the fence.

The ‘right’ as usual cling to their philosophy like scared children with a security blanket. 


Growing up in the UK  I didn’t know what a security blanket or what the use of such a thing was.

I didn’t know of anyone else who had or used one.

Very strange,

Anyway, it seems that gun owners are not all Republican a lot in fact, consider themselves Democrats.

Some figures estimate about a quarter of all gun owners are Democrats and the other three quarters are Independents and Republicans.

Doesn’t really surprise me.

My whole objection to guns/ gun owners are the people we see with either concealed carry or actually open carry in public.

This to me is an open incite to violence and in and of itself is threatening and an infringement of human rights.

Where the fuck are we? Mogadishu?

These pompous, drunk on their own feeble power cowards, who preen themselves and their weapons ( I am sure most, name their guns) and strut around with a bulging crotch that they get from touching that cold blue steel, are just asking to get shot.

Admittedly, those are the minority ( one can hope) and, most people ‘use’ their weapons for sport, hunting etc.

It’s the ones with the false bravado who really think that the ‘Gubmint’ is going to ‘take them away’ or that they really need them for protection.

Again a complete fallacy. 

The stats don’t jive with their conclusion. But when do facts, statistics are common sense and reasoning enter into these morons minds!

Nuff said.



June 22, 2014

Minute to win it. Part One.

I used to live in Orange County California.

I moved there with a couple of hundred bucks in my skyrocket (pocket for those who don’t know rhyming slang) from Manchester UK in June 1990.

I loved it.

It was bright, warm and seemingly very inviting.

Quickly I settled in. Teaching in Santa Ana, living in Costa Mesa, going out every night after work and getting up late the next morning to start my day again.

I didn’t make any money. I had enough to pay for a shared rent, some food, a little for social life. I had no car and took the bus or mainly got lifts from friends. 

They were good times. I was in my mid-twenties and had a blast.

The friends I made at the dance studio I was working at are still friends or at least associates.

However, the older I got the more political I became and the façade of the OC lost some of its sheen.

Its fake. Pure and simple.

More plastic than Lego-land  (which is in Carlsbad CA).

The amount of racism, elitism and greed is almost impossible to understand.

It is a long held Conservative area. Mainly because of the wealth accumulated there and the elitist thinking but also because its close to the Mexican border.

That brings me to a couple of things. 

Firstly, I was called ‘ a nasty and horrible person who is pissed at the world’ by my ex-friend who owns the dance studio I worked in.

All because I gave an opinion on facebook that made her and her ‘friends’ actually think.

Conservatives are very external you see, they don’t like to look within, to have a gander at the blackhole that they have in place of a soul as it scares them. They walk around carrying large mirrors facing outwards and pointing at something or someone else to use as a scapegoat.

I had another friend who I was close to while in OC.

He stayed there and I moved to Colorado 15 years ago.

I knew he was a racist and a bigot but thought he would ‘grow out of it’.

Unfortunately that didn’t happen and now we are at a cross roads with our friendship. Like any Conservative without a mind of his own it is hardwork and high maintenance to keep even an association with him as his mind is inflexible. He’s like all the rest of the right-wing crowd.

The Tea Party, The Minute Men, the elitists, the greedy and unscrupulous.

They are filled with hate and self-loathing is their only comfort.



Release Form

You know you're hung up on your ex
When you have to picture her face
Just to cover someone else's

I'm checking the folder
Where her mail is sent
I get happy and sad
When it says 0 messages

I'm always bringing her up to myself
We really miss her but we know
This is better for our health

I feel like I should go pro
With as many rebounds
As I have now

Guess you can't fix a broken heart
By trying to break your bone
It all happens so fast
Just wish the feelings would move slow

I drink/fight/&fuck
All inside someone else
If they could hear the song inside me
They wouldn't care to be in the vieeo

I'm a longing lover
Looking for the bitch that left
I'm better off than I was with her
But why do I still feel so bad

This loneliness inside me
Doesn't ever go away
I just get distracted
When a pretty girl calls my name

But even when I'm
In the heat of the moment
My mind is haunted by your touch
With this muscle memory
I wish amnesia was a drug

I would snort/drink/smoke that shit
Pick anyone of these decent ladies
And go get hitched
But instead I'm here ignoring
The ones that are interested
Because I'm stuck here writing
About this bitch I loved who left


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