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All of these words and verbs

I want to put into action

You can perceive my reaction

While I feel your attraction

You make me electric

And I can feel your energy

Like you can feel me thinking of you

I like the internal inspiration

Like people's aspirations to be better

Or to be more, for the world

Thoughts become things and vibrations from our words hold more power than we like to believe in

I'm not sure what I believe in most days but I trust the universe

I have faith in what is and what will be

Because now is the only thing holding us all together

We have to shift our minds to healthier lofty spots

Move your spirit in the direction your intuition puts you in

Don't fight the resistance of your purpose and fulfill your worth you are constantly denying yourself of

Love is the only means

Of survival

Foundation of existence

I'm happy to be in this moment

And back to the one that inspired this poem

I hope I get to know him


My cat is my dog.

I wanted this week to write something a little less political, with no rants or venting about things I cannot change, so I am going to let you in on one of my favorite things.

My cat.

Now I say ‘my cat’ as if I actually believe any human can own a cat.

Most cat owners say the reverse is true and I must admit I follow along with the current way of thinking.

I was raised as a dog lover my whole life.

Sometimes having more than one dog at a time. I love dogs and I always will. When I came to the states I was still a dog lover but then I moved in with a girlfriend who owned three cats.

It took me quite a while to get used to them and I must confess that once or twice I sent one of them sailing through the air after leaving my foot.


Each one had their own character I learned. Moving forward to when my daughter was around seven or eight. We went and adopted our first cat mainly for my daughter at the humane society.

We picked out a fat cat (what else) who was around three years old, her name is vanilla and no matter how much my kid tried to bond with her it didn’t really happen.

The thing with cats is they choose you. Vanilla chose my wife. Again moving forward a couple of years.

We went again to the humane society and my daughter chose another cat. His name was something I cant remember but my kid changed the name to ‘Batman’ because of his markings. She doted on him.

Once again throughout the course of time Batman became my cat. We bonded big time. My daughter left home to do her own thing and now its me and him. He adores me and I him.

He is a funny cat and a lover. He answers and comes when I call him.

I call him ‘shithead’ which is really my name for him from when he was a kitten. Or ‘crapper’ or ‘little shitter’ or a multitude of ‘pet’ names for him.

I love him, he is my boy. He is my friend, he is my dog.


Ten Ways to Not Stress Out About Stressing Out

We all have those days. There are those days when life seems to find mountains of problems and drops them at our front door.

Welcome mats are not meant to invite stress into our lives right?

That’s what I think at least.

Next week is finals. And who decided taking five courses, in addition to a full time job and two precious little girls, would be a good idea? This girl.

I always seem to stress out to the point I stress out about stressing out.

What is this world coming to??

No worries; I’ve developed ten simple steps to not stress out about being stressed out.

1. Make a list. Write down everything that your head keeps replaying. Write this list on your favorite stationary, and try not to stress about using your rather expensive favorite stationary.

2. While stress is temporary, life is forever (well at least as long as you are living). So live a little. Make sense?

3. Take a break. Juggle or learn to twerk or write a novel. Anything to keep you from reading the list you made in step 1. If you must, make another list of reasons why you shouldn’t read your first list.

4. When reading this list, remember to breathe.

5. Buy something. Whether it’s a new pair of fuzzy socks, lip gloss in the season’s most popular color, or a subscription to Reader’s Digest, simply treat yourself to something. (Avoid buying something expensive. You will then stress out about trying to not stress out about stressing out. That is bad.)

6. Remember, you’re only human. Despite how positive you are that things MUST be perfect, they do not actually have to be perfect.

7. Call a friend. Have you ever watched “Who Wants to be a Millionaire?” Well if you haven’t, I’ll explain the reference. When a competitor is in a bind for the answer that could potentially alter their entire future, they can choose a lifeline such as phone a friend. This is no joke; call a friend, and they’ll lend you a hand (if they are at all decent friends).

8. In case you aren’t already doing so, make sure you just keep breathing.

9. By now you have probably rendered this instruction manual useless and resorted back to reading your list of things you have to deal with. This is not good. You should probably get a lighter and burn the list. Make sure you have adult supervision. Do not throw the burning list in the trash. You will then stress about your stress list causing a fire in your trash.

10. Because you probably ignored my instruction and read this entire list at once, I have one piece of advice left…BREATHE!


May 3, 2014

Walk With Me

I put a bit of strain on my body daily. I carry my city's weights when I walk the streets. I was given a key and now they count on me as I count for them as I try my best not kill anybody. You don't realize your own power until you watch life leave the body due to your direct action.

Life is as fragile as dead leaves fallen from a tree.

All of this, I feel it in my legs mostly.In the morning I pull on my legs like a rubberband. Increase the stress until I'm burning up in it. When I let go of this fire I'm ready for another day in it.To keep my mind out of this world, I day dream. Its what I do best. Whether its what used to be, could have been, or just the best tv show you've ever seen, I watch it happen as I put my body on auto pilot. I haven't decided how dillusional I really am or if I found a way to look normal in this place but still stay free on the inside.Music has become my drug of choice as of late. My other vices have taken a backseat, in the trunk to be exact. With duct tape over their mouthes and music is loud enough to drown out the insessive pandering to my old habits. Life feels better. Maybe not as fun, but I really need to get serious about something thats not a female.I wonder where I would be if I had given poetry half the dedication I do relationships. Whether its the effort I put in to be really good or bad at them. Either way, its a quite a feat. I've finally run out of excuses and the stars have aligned in the form of equipment. Now its just up to me to see if I believe in me as much as I think I do.

This was supposed to be about how we handle stress on the daily and I ended up getting sidetracked as I usually do. But along the way I realized writing is probably my best form of relief. My body relaxes, my mind is focused and I always seem to just feel better emotionally by the end of it all. I wonder how often I miss things right in front of me.I miss being inspired. Having poems write themselves. Museless in Midland. Now I'm rolling om discipline alone. Not my favorite kind of writing but as of right now its all I know.Here's to the muses that love us, leave us, and the ones that wait for the moment of enlightenment to show their faces in our graceless pages. Apen.


Epic's Dream Diary

Hanging out with family. Buying tjem lots of stuff. Especially my little brother and sister. I run into my most recent ex. We're talking. She wants to hang out. We're being civil about things but I can tell she's reaching for more. I keep my distance though. My little brother is busy with school. Sister has an adventure time hoodie. Some photographer is there is with a group of people around. The place we were at reminds me of the first water crossing at Palo Duro Canyon.

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