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Late May 2013

Yesterday I spit against the wind
Trying to push my power
Against a force of nature
At the end of a long tunnel
Dressed in shadows
Decorated with spray paint
And water rushing towards me
I stood my ground and I spit
Building the wind within
To hold its own against this
Mix of god and man
I tried like I could beat them both
Let alone one on their own
As my poetry cascade over
The sound waves of water
And shot through
He howl of the wind
As my saliva left my mouth
It only went as far as writing hand
Before it was suspended in mid air
And shot back into my face
This happened for all the poems
My voice, my spirit carried through it all
But my body couldn't not escape
The physical force of water and wind
Creating a current
God and man
This was definitely my weakness
The meaning of mortality
If I was going to over come
I would need to raise my body
To the level of my mind and spirit
This is what my trainning has taught me
It showed me my limits
Now I must break them
Spit in the face of my limits
And show them the power of my will


OK. So while I was channel surfing the T.V. this morning I stumbled upon a movie that I have watched and enjoyed many times before.
It got me thinking about how people’s attitudes have changed.
Let me explain. The movie was John Hughes’ ‘The Breakfast Club’ which was made in 1984.
For those unfortunates who haven’t seen this flick I suggest a perusal. It’s a fairly basic storyline of kids from differing walks of life who are forced to get through a day long detention together.
What got me thinking though was how attitudes towards disciplining in school have evolved but also that social segregation is still alive and well.
This particularly applies to the USA.
Unfortunately, what I have experienced with having a daughter go through school in the USA is a combination of learning HOW to take a test, without really knowing the core subject and, a segregating affect socially because certain sub groups don’t necessarily engage with each other because of a perceived notion that these groups do not, should not mix.
In my opinion these factors contribute to the problems that we find in the education system in this nation.
The Program for International Student Assessment (PISA) which ranks students from 57 countries academically in math, science, reading etc. consistently places the USA in the middle or towards the lower end of the pack.
For a nation as wealthy and as powerful as we are shouldn’t that be reversed?
The nation that finished first in almost all categories was…….Finland!
The reasoning behind the success of the Finnish school system is manifold.
Some of the features are, they all have the same curriculum, their teachers all have master’s degrees, there are NO classes for gifted children, they don’t start school until the age of 7, very light homework, very little standardized testing. Finland has a comprehensive pre-school program that promotes “self -reflection” and socializing not academics. Diagnostic testing for students is used early and frequently. If a student needs extra help intensive intervention is provided.
Also college is FREE.
There are others but you get the gist.
We have a lot to learn.
-The Dogs Bollocks.

To this day, I still have a problem answering the question "where are you from?"
Having grown up in a variety of states all over the country, the last time I saw Oregon , the state in which I was born, I was far to young to remember it. Over 30 years have passed , and i have still yet to form a tangible image of where I come from.
You see, history is a tricky concept, especially for those of us with a lacking sense of origin, but for me it was this same confusion and curiosity that drove me to read every book I could get my hands on, and to devote almost a decade of my life to the study of the birth and decline of various civilizations , cultures , and revolutions .
        With a family tree that does not extend past the tangled branches of closed adoptions and an absentee grandfather who I met once, defining a larger concept of personal history was a crucial aspect of building a foundational understanding of the world around me. The son of two people who have devoted their lives to both helping people and attempting to attain a better understanding of the human condition, my own journey would be both similar in its intent and divergent in its execution. While they had chosen a route that was defined by its  introspection and the intricacies of human behavior and emotion, mine focused on a broader understanding of the trends , cycles, and emergence of time and the written record there of.  Constantly searching for understanding, meaning & purpose , instead much of what I found was a path that just kept going.
Like most college students, my first year was characterized by an abundant thirst for knowledge that came paired with an understanding, that despite my age and the relatively  short time that I had spent at this institution of higher learning, I did indeed know just about everything. Guided by a youthful exuberance, this slightly informed form of ignorance is what cultivated the passionate discussions and arguments that characterize so much of that period. Hell bent on proving each other wrong, we had not yet learned the value of perspective, and it showed. With each passing semester this arrogant approach to knowledge and the world was dialed back in favor of an  awareness of just how much I did not know. At first a terrifying concept, I later found comfort in this reality, as I knew I was not alone.
       For me, the study of history has been a way to understand the world to which I belong. While others have used psychology , sociology , biology , philosophy,and theology to achieve this same ends, learning from the examples and mistakes of those that came before me , always seemed logical. Quickly approaching the completion of a substantial portion of my formal education , the question of what comes next is one that rarely leaves my consciousness . While most naturally assume that I will go on to teach, being one of the few fields that openly expresses the importance of history, the skills in research, analysis , identifying  perspective & understanding of the world are easily transferable to any number of career paths. Having built a suitable foundation on which to stand and lost and rebuilt my faith in humanity countless times, the ways in which history has prepared me for the world are seeming endless. With my arrogant  ignorance having  been replaced by a peaceful awareness there of, now more than ever I begin each day eager to learn , build and create. While I am still question where I come from, where I am going becomes clearer every day.

-Joshua Genius


I am not a writer that prefers structure or any type of meter, so excuse me while I project a free verse.  This second article will consist of what comes to mind as I flow and express.  It’s Spring, my favorite season, and I am happy to be alive today.

I like to write early in the morning just before the sun reveals itself and dusk begins to lift and introduce the day.  New beginnings and horizons tell me to start fresh each day; and for that I am most grateful.

One of my deepest struggles is my battle with perfectionism.  It hurts sometimes when I cannot convince myself of the beauty in the imperfections that define me.  My misuse of reality is shameless and my desire for perfection makes me sick sometimes.  I long for a paradigm that is not possible, and I know it.  I guess awareness has saved me from being superficial (for the most part) but I feel like I have a lot of room to grow.  I need acceptance for what is, to see the astonishing beauty and grace in those moments, and to hold them close. 

I’m open, and what matters most now is very simple.

Self-acceptance is confusing and I lose control thinking about too much shit that has nothing to do with me.  I tell myself to leave it alone.  I have always lived by my own beat; so I try not to spend time concerning myself with others—or what does not apply to me.  Once I focus and shift my energy to what is right in front of me I begin to get in the groove of life.  Music sounds incredible, dancing feels amazing (along with everything else) and life is more enjoyable when I release myself from all the mental chatter.  When I embrace each moment and become mindful of the here and now I become alive again.  I dream in a mystical state and I feel like life is lived through a perceptual state.  I remind myself that I own up to what I create and that I can only see as high as I look.  I can only become what I want to be by loving myself and tearing down all the barriers within myself that I have constructed. 

I own it: This is me.


Where are you from?

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